Zarma [synonym] (origin) {other spelling}:

English [remark] (word type; nr of lesson)

k' [kan, g', watokan, watikan] when; which, that, who (conjunction; 7p);
[ka] [verb link auxiliary] (auxiliary; 15)

kaa to come; by extension: to arrive, to fall on - kubay bambata humburkumay kaa a gaa: terror and great darkness fell on him [low tone, long "a"];
to remove, to take away [high tone] (verb; 2p, 6, 8p)

kaabe, kaaba chin, beard (noun; 10, 20p)

kaabi (long nosed) mongoose [mammal] (noun; 5 list)

kaan, kaan, kaana [*]: sharp [low tone] (adjective; 12p)

kaan, kaano, kaana [*]: agreeable, pleasing, good tasting [tone from high to low] (adjective; 9p);
kaan .. se pleases (9p) 

kaani to be happy (verb; 12);
sweetness, happiness (noun; 12)

kaarey wandey pink-backed pelican [bird] (noun; 5 list)

kaati to wail, to cry out in distress (verb; 21)

kaatiyan, kaatiyaŋo wailing, yelling, shouting (noun; 12)

kaayan, kaayaŋo arrival, coming; return (noun; 7p)

kabaru, kabaro [labari, baru]: news, information, story, history (noun; 13p)

kabu to count, to number (verb; 7p)

kagi to itch, to scratch (verb; 22)

kaïdiya ize red velvet mite [animal] (noun; 5 list)

kaji, kajo nerve, root, sinew (noun; 10, 20p)

kala until; unless, except; then, so, and [connection between clauses] (conjunction; 7p, 24)

Kala me! Of course!; Only just!; Nothing but! (interjection; 18)

kalam, kalamo pen, pencil (noun; 7p)

kali garden; vegetable garden (noun; 7)

kalima a formal accusation, indictment (noun; 24p)

kalma hoe [agricultural tool] (noun; 8)

kamba [see kambe]: to turn aside, to leave the path, to wander, to go astray [by one's own fault] [tone from high to low] (verb; 22)

kambe, kamba arm [tone from high to low] (noun; 10, 20p)
kamba ga sandi to be tight fisted (expression; 8p)
kamba ŋwaro ga on the right hand site (adverb; 20)
kamba waw ga on the left hand site (adverb; 20)

kambe gollo elbow (noun, 10)

kamb'ize, kamb'izo finger (noun; 10, 20p)

kan {kaŋ} [k', g', watokan, watikan] when; which, that, who (conjunction; 7p)

kaŋ to fall - a fuula kaη nuune: his hat fell in the fire
(verb; 1p);
kaη banda-banda: to fall backwards - a kaarukwa ma kaŋ banda-banda: his rider falls backward;
kaη ga fun ... ra:
to fall out of - ni hangawey mo ma kaŋ ka fun ni kambe ŋwaaro ra: and will cause your arrows to fall out of your right hand;
fun gaa ga kaη:
to fall from, to fall out of - handariyayzey ga fun beena gaa ka kaŋ: the stars shall fall from/out of heaven;

kaη ... boη:
to fall on - a kaη ay tira boη: it fell on my book;
to fall from off - a kaŋ banda-banda nga goray haro boŋ:
(s)he fell from off his seat backward;
kaη ganda
: to fall to the ground, to fall down - tamo binde kaŋ ganda: The servant therefore fell down;
kaη ... ra: to fall in, into, among - feejo kaŋ guusu ra: the sheep fell into a pit

kaŋyaŋ, kaŋyaŋo fall; collapse (noun)

kanandi, kanando pile, heap [one of several similar]
(noun; 11p)

kande [#] to bring [literally: to come with]; to give (verb; 4p)

kangaw, kankawa {kaηgow, / a} smaller Doum palm, has semi-edible nuts  [Hyphaene thebaica] (noun; 16);
kankaw-ize, ~-izo: doum date (fruit of doum palm)

kange, kanga knee (noun; 10, 20p)

kangay, kangayo {kangey, kangeyo} horse picket, horse stall [or for any domestic animal] [high tone]; three stones for cooking tripod [tone goes down] (noun; 22)

kani [jirbi] to lie down, to rest, to go to bed (verb; 1p)

kaniyan do sleeping place (noun; 7)

kankam, kankamante, kankamanta [*]: narrow, squeezed (adjective; 5p)

kanu [kaan]: good, favourable (adjective; 8); to please (verb)

kar to strike, to hit (verb; 2p)

karay crocodile [reptile] (noun; 5 list)

karé (Nile) crocodile [reptile] (noun; 5 list)

karga chair, wooden chair, by extension: throne [as only chiefs had a wooden seat with a back; others had stools]
(noun; 9p, 24)

kari, karo light, brightness (noun; 23p)

karre, karra throat not neck (noun; 10, 20p)

kaaru {karu} to climb, to mount [intransitive];  to ride [domestic animal, bike, etc.] (verb; 2p)

kaaruko, kaarukwa {karuko, karukwa} rider (noun)

kaaruku phlegm, mucus, sputum (noun)

kasu, kaso jail (noun; 15p)

katawa [tawa]: native ball made of stripes of cloth or of string (noun; 22)

katibi unit of 5 francs in counting money unit of 5 francs in counting money (noun; 8p)

kawi "donu" dissolved in water and milk (noun; 24p)

kawye, kawya group of houses out of village, hamlet [may be larger or small] (noun; 17p)

kay to stop [motion], to halt, to cease, to stand [not to rise], be upright and stationary, to wait; to weave, to braid, to plait [tone from high to low] 
(verb; 13p, 23p)

Kay! exclamation of disgust, surprise, warning, disapproval; Stop! (interjection; 15)

kay, kayo grandparents [sometimes refers to more remote ancesters] [low tone] (noun; 26p)
kay alboro grandfather (noun; 26p)
kay wayboro grandmother (noun; 26p)

kayandi to cause to stop, to cause to stand; put / place something on end / upright, raise (up), set up (right); to assure, to affirm (verb; 19p)

kaydiya rainy season, farming season (noun; 25p)

kaymi art or trade, art of of weaving (noun; 23p)

kayna {keyna} to be small (verb)
kayna, kayniyo, kayna
[*]: little, small (adjective; 5p)

kayna-kayna very small amount, very little (adverb; 18)

kaynandi {keynendi} to make small; underestimate, not take somebody seriously; to humiliate, to offend (verb)
kaynandi, kaynando {keynendi} person who humiliates somebody (noun)

kaynanta {keynanta} person who is not taken seriously, is humiliated (noun)

kaynayan smallness (noun; 25)

kayne, kayno younger brother or sister [or other close relative] (noun; 7p)

kayn'ize child of one's younger sister or brother (noun; 26p)

kmbiti spurred tortoise [reptile] (noun; 5 list)

kociya small child, baby [may be relative to older person, not strictly according to size] (noun; 21)

koda youngest child [when no more expected] (noun; 26p)

kogné [kuregé] squirrel [mammal] (noun; 5 list)

kokor to do last, to do recently; to do subsequently (verb; 24,  grammar) [used in verb link constructions to give an adverbial flavour]; examples:
A kokor ga kaa. He wound up coming.
A kokor ga ci ay se. He finally told me.
Ay kokor ga di a. I saw it at last.

kokorante last, final (adjective)

kokoro last, final (adverb; 17p)
kokoro banda {kokor banda} in the last place, last of all, at last (adverb; 17p, 24)
kokoro banda wanta [bananta, banda wane] last
(ordinal; number 24)
kokoro, kokora 1. end, ending; examples:
zama baani boro gonda kokora hanno: for there is a happy end to the man of peace;
ni kokora ga ciya haŋ kaŋ ga humburandi: your ending is to become something that will frighten;
2. wooden shuttle [for weaver's loom]; reel of cotton (noun)

kolkoti, kolkoto corn, maize (noun; 8p)

kollo cricket [animal] (noun; 5 list)

kolnay [tantabal] pigeon [bird] (noun; 5 list)

kolwen vinaceous dove [bird] (noun; 5 list)

kolwen gubba touraco [bird] (noun; 5 list)

kolwen kirya speckled pigeon [bird] (noun; 5 list)

koma hump (noun; 16p)

komakoni hump backer, hunch back person (noun; 16p)

komni savannah monitor [reptile] (noun; 5 list)

konda [#] (~): to take [literally: to go with; tone from high to low] (verb; 5p)

konde stepmother (noun; 26p)

kondjandjé millipede [animal] (noun; 5 list)

kondo, konda back of skull, occiput [high tone]
(noun; 10, 20p)

kongu, kongo leaf of "kangaw" palm tree (noun; 23p)

konjiri railway, train tracks (noun)

konkayzeboŋlondikoy computer (noun)

konkayzemiimandakomo [talfon, guuru sisiri] telephone (noun)

konku, konko {koŋku, koŋko} tin, can, box (noun)
konkoize {koŋki-ize, konkayze} small box (noun)

konni, konno [koroŋ] warmth, heat; fever; malaria (noun)

konnu [koroŋ] to be warm; to have a fever (verb)

koonu {konu} naked, empty, alone (adjective; 25p)

kopto, kopta leaf ; traditional salad based on leaves; peeling, vegetal skin (noun; 15)

korbe, korbo ring for finger or ear or nose; circle (noun; 21)

korboto {koroboto} frog [reptile] (noun; 5 list)

korfo, korfa rope (noun; 23p)

koroboto {korboto} frog [reptile] (noun; 5 list)

koroŋ [konni, konnu] to burn, to be hot; to have a fever (verb; 13); hot, warm  (predicative adjective; 13p)

korsol, korsolo [korsalo; korselo] hot period (April - June)[Ducroz]; period spanning from after harvest, till when winter fodder is about to become exhausted [Bornand] (noun;15)

kortu [kottu] to tear, to rip (verb; 11p)

kortu-kortu to rip to pieces, to rend repeatedly (verb; 18)

kosandi [salanga] shower; toilet (noun)

kosongu, kosongo commotion, racket (noun; 21)

kotikoti (northern red-billed) hornbill [bird] (noun; 5 list)

koto [toko] to cough [tone from low to high] (verb; 16p)

koto, kota cough [tone from low to high] (noun;16p)
koto beeri: cough with phlegm, throw up phlegm, expectorate (noun)

kottu [kortu] to tear, to rip (verb; 11p)

kottu-kottu to rip to pieces, to rend repeatedly (verb; 18)

kourkour ball python [reptile] (noun; 5 list)

koy to go [high tone] (verb; 1p)
Koy fa! Get out of here!; Scram! (interjection; 18)
koy ce ga: to walk, to go on foot (verb; 12)
koy, koyo
chief, master; owner, possessor [high tone]
(noun; 6p, 11p)

koyne again, once more [with negative: no more] (adverb; 7p)

koysa great egret [bird] (noun; 5 list)

koytarey, koytara chieftaincy, kingdom, ruler ship (noun; 22)

ku become big [waist] (verb)
ku, kuku, kuko [*]: tall, long (adjective; 5p)

kubanda to encounter, to meet by change (verb; 12p)

kubay {kubey} to meet, to encounter; accompany a young woman to her groom for the first time [tone from low to high] (verb; 9p)
kubay, kubayo {kubey} 1. darkness [high tone]; 2. meeting, encounter; the action of going to a meeting with an important person; the action of taking a young woman to her groom for the first time [low tone] (noun; 4p)

kubayandi {kubeyendi} to make the troops march and move up to the combat or battle (verb)

kubayanto, kubayanta {kubeyanto, kubeyanta} bride-to-be, young woman brought to her groom for the first time (noun)

kubayko, kubayka {kubeykow, kubeyka} escort, companion of young woman to her groom (noun)

kubaynda {kubey-nda} to meet with (verb; 17)

kubayni {kubeyni} welcome [greeting]; felicitous encounter (interjection; 9)

kubayyaη, kubayyaηo {kubeyyoη, /o}  reception; hospitality (noun)

kubu gorwa stone partridge [bird] (noun; 5 list)

kudaku, kaduko sweet potato (noun)

kufu, [?] lung (noun, 10)

kuku owl [bird] (noun; 5 list)
see also ku

kulu each, every [with singular nouns], all [with plural nouns] (adverb; 7p, 12)
hay kulu: everything; nothing; anything (depending on context)
(pronoun; 9)
kulu nda yadin: nevertheless, in spite of that, anyhow' (conjunction; 16)

kumbakumba flea [animal] (noun; 5 list)

kumbu to weed (verb, -)
kumbu, kumbo  weeder, hoe for weeding (noun; -)

kuna inside, within [use sparingly; high tone] [see bine kuna] (preposition; 4p); within, inside (adverb; 20)
kuna [dafe, wayborotaray] vagina [offensive] (noun, 10)
kuna divide, order, class, group, arrange (verb)

kungu to be full, satisfied [food] [French: "rassasier"]
(verb; 18p)

kunta blanket, coverlet (noun; 15p)

kunu hedgehog [mammal] (noun; 5 list)

kurba to row [a boat] [to] (verb; 5)

kuregé [kogné] squirrel [mammal] (noun; 5 list)

kuri, kuro blood (noun; 10, 20p)

kurnye, kurnyo husband (noun; 26p)

kuru to pasture, to shepherd (verb; 18p)

kusa [pointi] hand forged nail, any large nail (noun; 16p)

kusu, kuso pan, cooking pot (noun; 9);
taba kusu: pipe [literally: tobacco cooking pot] (noun 24p)

Kutubi [ŋwa ka kungu] first day on new lunar year (noun; 25)

kuuru, kuuro skin, leather (noun; 10, 20p)

kuyan depth; height, length; waist-size (noun; 7, 25)

kwaari, kwaaro millet stalk(s); drought (noun; 15)

kwaara {kwara} [see kware] village, town; city ; compound [of several houses; high tone] (noun; 1p)
kwaara boro, ~ bora: villager, town-dweller, city-dweller

kwaare, kwaare, kwaara {kware; kwaaray} [*]: white [tone from high to low] (adjective; 9p)
handu kwaaray: full moon, moon light (noun; 23p)
hari kwaaray: much diluted "kawi" (noun; 24p)
guuru kwaaray: aluminium, any shiny metal (noun; 23p)

kwaaray {kwarey} da gabi kwaaray: with a strong hand (adverb; 18)

kwataku, kwatako board, plank (noun; 12p)

kway, kwayo upper garment, sewed [as shirt, dress, blouse, jacket, etc.] (noun; 6p)

last updates: 25 maart 2012